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From: Erica
Subject: Contributing?
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2023 13:37:06 -0500


I have started using emms but I've found a number of problems surrounding album artist.
I have a lot of fixes and changes.  I can maintain my own emms from now on. 
But it would make sense to contribute back. 

I do still have problems to hunt down. 
Evil mode cannot be set to off for any Emms modes except the Playlist mode and I don't know why. 

I also haven't been able to create a tree like this yet. 

Album artist

Sort by date/year

Some Metadata is still missing. I do at least have album artist data working. Not with Metaflac or native info though. Metaflac cli shows a nice data record. But not within emms. 

It's a bit confusing that the manual says to use taglib-info for metaflac.  I tried both. Neither work. It looks like a copy pasta error. 

My entire library is flac and the Metadata is clean and complete. 
Metaflac info seems to not work.  Native not so much either.
Both are missing key data, album artist, date, comment, rating, encoder, genre, ... when I assign only one of them for info. 

I added album artist to mpd-info. That works. 
It is till missing other Metadata that mpd doesn't retrieve. 

I'm starting to think there is no one here and development is mostly or completely dead.
Perhaps Irc has people there?  I currently do
Not use Irc. V

I have been an emacs programmer for 30 years. I have contributed to emacs projects like cider and golden ratio. I wrote a gud python debugger years before an official one existed. 

Gnu.org feels like a citadel of a silo where no one can get in or contribute or find help of any sort besides a man page. Lots of hand waving up front but no actual substance to the intention of actually getting contributers.  
They are found starving and lost in a dead end  after trying to follow all the instructions and trying to sign up or sending messages to dead mailing lists for help and how to contribute. 

Sorry for the rant. I'll stop asking questions and continue on my own if there really is no chance of contributing back, which is the case at the moment. 

Thank you for any response. 


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