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Re: [Freetype] Windows code displaying garbage - any help?

From: Peter Montgomery
Subject: Re: [Freetype] Windows code displaying garbage - any help?
Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 12:18:01 -0700


> Thanks for taking the time to respond with such a well-written,
full-of-info note.  I really
> appreciate it and it has given me some good places to work on.  And,
yes, you are exactly correct
> - some of your code is in what I had posted (along with other posted
code I mangled together in a
> Frankenstein-ist way!)  In case I stepped on any toes, I apologize.
My intention was not to sell
> this off as my own code.  I had collected it all by reviewing the list
history in hopes of
> answering my questions without the need to post to the list and bug
anyone.  :)

I didn't mean to imply that I was upset or anything.  To the contrary, I
posted the code hoping someone would use it.  I just figured that since
it was mine, I should put my money where my mouth is and jump in to
help.  Due to some weird problems with the Freetype list, my post got
hung up waiting for the admin to release it.  If this one isn't posted
on June 12th, you'll know it suffered the same fate and not that I am a
slacker in replying.

> I finally did get a function working that shows a char on the screen
as a Windows BMP, with a
> small amount of help from the Paul (the grief-giver).  Thanks again
for pointing me in the right
> direction, Paul.  I was close but Paul gave me the key piece I was
missing - to use
> face->glyph->bitmap.pitch when calculating the offset into
> Let me digest all your suggestions and hopefully get this working.
Again, thank you very much for
> your detailed suggestions.  I will post my final working code
(eventually) so that the next person
> who comes to the group with this question can find the answer the same
place I orignally looked -
> in the newgroup digest and save everyone from having this converation
again.  ;)
> Chris  (aka Jason, BTW)

Cool.  I just know from experience that both programming for Windows and
the BMP format have just enough "gotchas" to make the entire process a
pain in the ass.


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