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Re: [Fsfe-france] dépôt sur adullact.net

From: Laurent GUERBY
Subject: Re: [Fsfe-france] dépôt sur adullact.net
Date: Wed, 15 Oct 2003 21:06:06 +0200

Peut-etre faudrait-il demander a tester le code sur mono
<http://go-mono.com/> qui disponible sur windows et
divers systemes libre, le code de mono est sous BSD.

Il y a aussi le projet DotGNU <http://www.gnu.org/projects/dotgnu/>,
sous GNU GPL.

Ca eviterait les question philosophico-legales :).

Au passage, voila la derniere news sur le projet DotGNU :

October 10-10-2003: Working around the .NET API patent issue
We have obtained legal advice on how to go about creating legally
bulletproof alternatives to the US-patent-endangered APIs. In a
nutshell, the design part has to be outside the US (and whoever does it
should never take the fruit of this work with him into the US), however
the FSF patent lawyer says that implementing those replacement APIs in
terms of already-exiting free libs will be "entirely safe", even for
developers in the US.

Quelqu'un de la FSF France peut-il avoir plus d'information
sur ce sujet sensible ?


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