After you unmount, is the cpu consuption going up?
2008/2/29, Mickey Mazarick <address@hidden
It's noting that complicated...
one mount one process that sticks around. I am using ib-verbs btw.
address@hidden ~]# ps -ef |grep
root 14423 13814 0 15:14 pts/1 00:00:00 grep gluster
address@hidden ~]# /usr/local/sbin/glusterfs -l
/var/glustersystemclient.log -f /etc/glusterfs-system.vol -d
disable /system
address@hidden ~]# ps -ef |grep gluster
root 10972 1 0 12:16 ? 00:00:01
root 14438 13814 0 15:16 pts/1 00:00:00 grep gluster
address@hidden ~]# umount /system
address@hidden ~]# ps -ef |grep gluster
root 10972 1 0 12:16 ? 00:00:02
root 14451 13814 0 15:17 pts/1 00:00:00 grep gluster
Sascha Ottolski wrote:
> Am Freitag 29 Februar 2008 12:33:36 schrieb Anand Avati:
>> depends on whether you passed a mountpoint in the command line
>> argument. do you mean that the glusterfs client is still running
>> after you unmounted? or did you mean that before unmounting there
>> were two [glusterfs] and after unmounting there is just one (which
>> would be the server) ?
> if I my add my 2 cents: as I reported in an earlier posting, it is
> possible to mount the same mount-point several times, which
results in
> serveral glusterfs processes running. in such a case, you need
to kill
> all of them or umount several times.
> of course, it would be best to prevent a second mount of a already
> mounted gluster share (someone posted a recipe on how one could to
> this; may this should be patched into the sources?).
> Cheers, Sascha
>> avati
>> 2008/2/29, Mickey Mazarick <address@hidden
>>> Ah I see! I have an additional comment/question though.
>>> I've noticed that when I unmount a gluster volume on a client the
>>> [glusterfs] process is still running. Perhaps it thinks my cleint
>>> spec is a server.
>>> I have no instance of "type protocol/server" in the client spec.
>>> What does it use to determine weather it's a client or a server?
>>> -Mickey Mazarick
>>> Anand Avati wrote:
>>>> Mickey,
>>>> in the latest codebase, there are no more server and client
>>>> programs. there is just one glusterfs (and glusterfsd is a
>>>> symlink to glusterfs). it behaves either as a client or server
>>>> according to the volume spec file given.
>>>> if the glusterfs program is passed a mountpoint it attaches a
>>>> fuse translator in a hardcoded way, so this preserves backward
>>>> compatibility. The new model also allows both protocol/server and
>>>> mount/fuse (mountability) in the same spec file which can be a
>>>> performance improvement in NUFA mode of operations.
>>>> avati
>>>> 2008/2/29, Mickey Mazarick <address@hidden
>>>> <mailto:address@hidden <mailto:address@hidden>>>:
>>>> This is very minor but it did break a kill script I wrote.
>>>> When I run the latest build, the server daemon shows up as:
>>>> [glusterfs]
>>>> in the process list.
>>>> Just an FYI :-)
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> -Mickey Mazarick
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