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Re: [Gnash] configure doesn't find libxft

From: Rob Savoye
Subject: Re: [Gnash] configure doesn't find libxft
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 08:58:22 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (X11/20051201)

Jan Schneider wrote:

Yup, I didn't event test it. It compiled fine.

I thought about removing the warning so as to not confuse people, but wound up leaving it in since pretty soon it'll be required when the FLTK support is done.

I had to run ldconfig manually after make install, maybe this should be added to the Makefile. checkinstall didn't work at all for some reason, but I didn't investigate it further.

Was this because /usr/local/lib wasn't in /etc/ ? That would only effect a source build (not a released package), but I thought I covered this in the manual. :-)

The first impression is really nice given the early state of the software, though the fonts seem to be a bit too fuzzy. Looks like an additional blur effect on antialiased fonts. Beside that, not all movies

The font support in Gnash needs work... You can try adjusting the LOD Bias (the -m option) which helps with the fuzziness of small fonts. This has always been a problem for years in GameSWF, and Gnash inherited the same issues. Redoing the font support in Gnash would be a great project for somebody that understands font techniques.

are working, as expected, but one movie causes to suck up all CPU, even after I closed the page. The movie in question is

It's trying to load an external movie clip, which isn't supported yet. It does hit my CPU pretty hard, but not after I close the movie. Rather than fix the CPU problem now, I'd rather stall till external loading of movie clips is supported.

        - rob -

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