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Re: [Gnash] configure doesn't find libxft

From: Jan Schneider
Subject: Re: [Gnash] configure doesn't find libxft
Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2006 18:49:37 +0200
User-agent: Internet Messaging Program (IMP) H3 (4.2-cvs)

Zitat von Rob Savoye <address@hidden>:

I had to run ldconfig manually after make install, maybe this should be added to the Makefile. checkinstall didn't work at all for some reason, but I didn't investigate it further.

  Was this because /usr/local/lib wasn't in /etc/ ? That
would only effect a source build (not a released package), but I
thought I covered this in the manual. :-)

No, /usr/local/lib is in, otherwise ldconfig wouldn't change anything, or am I missing something? I have to admit that I didn't read the complete manual, only the README and a few pages so far. Well possible that I missed the hint.

are working, as expected, but one movie causes to suck up all CPU, even after I closed the page. The movie in question is

  It's trying to load an external movie clip, which isn't supported
yet. It does hit my CPU pretty hard, but not after I close the movie.
Rather than fix the CPU problem now, I'd rather stall till external
loading of movie clips is supported.

I should have mentioned that this happens when viewing the movie in Firefox (, not in the standalone viewer.


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