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Re: [Gnash] Debian Packages for Gnash

From: प्रव ीण् ए (Praveen A)
Subject: Re: [Gnash] Debian Packages for Gnash
Date: Wed, 26 Apr 2006 18:42:51 +0530

2006/4/26, Miriam Ruiz <address@hidden>:

I've finally finished some Debian Packages with Gnash. As it is still under
heavy development, I plan to upload them to experimental repository, not to

The packages are avaliable at:

And I'm dividing the program in 5 different binary packages:

libgnash0 - shared objects, common to all the rest
libgnash-dev - static objects and header files, for development
gnash - standalone program
mozilla-plugin-gnash - plugin for mozilla and firefox
konqueror-plugin-klash - plugin for konqueror

I think -plugin- is redundant there you can  simply have
konqueror-gnash (how klash comes here?)

like we already have
mozilla-acroread - Adobe Acrobat(R) Reader plugin for mozilla / konqueror
mozilla-mplayer - MPlayer-Plugin for Mozilla

or even better gnashwebplugin for all the browsers like we have gcjwebplugin
setting up plugins for each broswer is a pain. Going through gcjwebplugin package source might help you here.

Any comments are welcome, especially related to the package names :)

Let it be so :-)


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