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[Gnash] Gnash's problems.

From: Carson
Subject: [Gnash] Gnash's problems.
Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2008 04:12:32 -0700 (PDT)


I met some problems when trying to use Gnash. It would be highly appreciated if someone can help answer or sort out any of the following problems.

1. Gnash 0.83 was installed on my system (Ubuntu). But I cannot open video files on Firefox. Is it possibly the problem of Youtube's new player (called watch.swf) which is SWF9? I cannot open any other video files from the video sharing websites whose player is SWF8 or SWF9. But I can open those from, whose player is SWF7, with Gnash plug-in. In addition, the video files can be opened through Gnash standalone application successfully.

2. I am wondering if Gnash standalone application can open a flv file locally without swf player. (e.g. gnash ./some_video.flv). When I run it, it always fails with the reports:
10312:3063994976] 12:01:00 SECURITY: Checking security of URL 'file:///home/user1/prj/gnash

10312:3063994976] 12:01:00 SECURITY: Load of file /home/user1/prj/gnash/build/bin/get_video.flv granted (under local sandbox /home/user1/prj/gnash/build/bin/)
10312:3063994976] 12:01:00 ERROR: unknown file type (unknown)
10312:3063994976] 12:01:00 ERROR: Couldn't load library movie 'file:///home/user1/prj/gnash/build/bin/get_video.flv'
Could not load movie './get_video.flv'

Would it be possible to find a way to play flv files locally without using swf player?

3. The SWF files of SWF8 and/or SWF9 opened through Gnash 0.8.3 can always partially work, or even not  work at all. I am wondering to what extent Gnash 0.83 supports SWF8 and SWF9 now. It seems to me only a little(20%) portion SWF8 and SWF9 can work.

Thanks in advance.

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