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[Gnash] load external images in gnash standalone player

Subject: [Gnash] load external images in gnash standalone player
Date: Tue, 26 May 2009 19:13:12 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

Hi list,
i am trying to load an image into a standalone swf on a gentoo box.
Unfortunately the image in the movieclip looks like an Y-stretched pixel-line.

The gnash output tells me that loading an image-file is nor implemented yet:

27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 DEBUG: Loading native class MovieClipLoader
27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 DEBUG: Target is [gnash::MovieClip(_level0.img_container):0x81a82b0] 27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 SECURITY: Checking security of URL 'http://mp4000/myImage.jpg' 27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 SECURITY: Load from host mp4000 granted (whitelisted)
27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 DEBUG: CurlStreamFile 0x81a8f28 created
27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 UNIMPLEMENTED: Requested to keep from completely loading a movie, but the movie in question is an image, for which we don't yet have the concept of a 'loading thread' 27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 DEBUG: HTTP response 200 from url http://mp4000/myImage.jpg
27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 DEBUG: CurlStreamFile 0x81a8f28 deleted
27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 DEBUG: Movie http://mp4000/mImage.jpg (SWF6) added to library
27794:3045099280] 09:21:17 DEBUG: Global instance list grew to 6 entries

I can't believe that there is no way to load an image into a movieclip.
I switched from AS3 to AS2 for that standalone swf.
Do you have any hints to get this working?
Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks in advance!


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