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Re: [Gnu3dkit-dev] G3DRenderer.h

From: Philippe C . D . Robert
Subject: Re: [Gnu3dkit-dev] G3DRenderer.h
Date: Sun, 23 Mar 2003 11:39:45 +0100

On Monday, March 17, 2003, at 01:32  Uhr, Brent Gulanowski wrote:
The render actions calls drawGeometry: on the geometry. The geometry then uses the passed renderer to draw itself. As far as I can see it this is done using [someRenderer drawPolygons:myPolys params:myParams] for example (if the node has not yet been compiled). Now if you first compile the nodes the renderer can create an optimised rep for internal usage. How this will look is still far away, I am afraid. But I originally had the idea that objectInstance: would be used whenever a geometry node has been compiled beforehand. Maybe this mechanism can also be used whenever a geometry node is shared by multiple shapes, though.

Does that make sense to you?

Your words are quite sensible. This compilation process is of very high importance and interest to me. I suppose my concern is how effective and efficient compiling itself can be. I certainly think it is essential. The problems of course are that a compiled group of nodes (what I like to call a flattened sub-tree) can no longer be edited. Of course, what I have only just learned is that the compiled node is retained by the renderer, meaning that the original, uncompiled geometry is still held in the scene graph. I approve of that, memory waste notwithstanding, because in a modeller, the user can still go back and edit, and the enclosing sub-tree can be re-compiled. For me, the issue then is, how do I not waste the work done by compilation? Can the system leverage that in some other way? What form ought one to compile a sub-tree into? (What forms are there?) BTW, I'm asking these q's out loud, not asking you to answer them. :)

What do you mean by "not wasting work done by compilation"?

I like drawObject: -- it is more in line with the other draw... selectors.

It's changed, but not yet checked into the CVS, thanks.

Philippe C.D. Robert

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