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Re: [gnugo-devel] TODO tasks and new Gnugo Developer questions

From: Gunnar Farnebäck
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] TODO tasks and new Gnugo Developer questions
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2005 00:05:07 +0200
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Joe wrote:
>  - Is the TODO file linked from the gnugo developer page still
> current? I seem to remember someone on the mailing list mentioning
> that it wasn't, and it hasn't had commit to it in ~13 months.

Arend summed it up fairly well. I think the most interesting item that
is tractable for someone new to the engine is the one about superko
detection. That one has been discussed before and someone might have
started on it, but unless that someone calls out we may as well assume
that it's free.

>  - Is there anything more to do to 'get started' other than building
> the CVS source, making changes, and re-running I'm sure
> there are, for certain changes at least, but I'd appreciate any quick
> hints that could be provided.

That's pretty much it, except that may be a bit
heavyweight. You're probably better off with regress.pike to easily
see the regression impact and view.pike to analyze the breakage.

>  - Are there any items on that  experienced developers
>    might recommend?

Ticket 1 might be worth revisiting. It's not all that easy and
possibly somewhat thankless, however. The current status is that the
patch doesn't apply as is, so the work would be to try to adapt it to
the current code and see how it fares now, plus if possible analyze
the breakage in some depth.


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