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[Gnumed-devel] Yes I'm still working - is anyone else?

From: richard terry
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] Yes I'm still working - is anyone else?
Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2002 23:05:34 +1000
User-agent: KMail/1.4.1

Plodding on. I've tried many and varied combinations of appearances, line 
widths etc and found out some of the limitations of design in wxPython along 
the way. Despite my promise of churning out one new skeleton module every 
night for the next 8 days, I stopped after summary, allergies, past history, 
vaccinations and prescriptions, until I could get them swapping in and out 
using the toolbar at the top.

Well, Havn't quite acheived that yet cause Horst says I have to master the 
dispatcher class, and I've not had time, however I have played with 
incorporating some of Horst's original features of the Tab and my Design, and 
have come up with something which combines the best of both worlds, and as 
the png dumps show this provides a good solution for display sections of 
gnuMed which won't fit into the 60/40 rule eg drug annuals, therapeutic 
guidlines, patient education leaflets, Horst's beloved python command line, 
the sql screens etc.

(unfortunately they have been GIMP resized downwards as Horst has a module in 
there somewhere with too large a minimum size, and despite me btoh  grepping 
the directory for size = and manually inspecting all the files, I couldn't 
find it).

Comments welcome. 

BTW is anyone else working on anything at the moment?????

Ian, finished exams yet?????

Anyway, check out the dumps, pretty cool eh!

Attachment: latestgui_19July02_summaryscreen.png
Description: PNG image

Attachment: latestgui_19July02_withdrugs.png
Description: PNG image

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