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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Yes I'm still working - is anyone else?

From: richard terry
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Yes I'm still working - is anyone else?
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 08:54:46 +1000

Wow, looks great.

Latest status: am figuring out how to add and delete the central panels by 
clicking on button/menu item and adding and deleting off the relevant sizer. 
Andre was round last night and we tried to be logical, tried reading doc's 
etc, but after half an hour of trying managed to succeed (I had previously 
been able to do this with a simple screen design but difficultfy referencing 
the sizer which had been imported with another panel).

Attatched is the png file showing gnuMed with new bottom tab arrangment and 
allergies having been loaded by clickingon the menu.

Horst tells me I must now use the dispatcher class, and though I have a 
glimmering of what it does, can't understand it at the moment.

After 53 patients yesterday I've little strengh of time to program. However, 
help is at hand, as I've managed to find another lady doctor to replace my 
partner who has retired ill, and Alison will start mid July, so my life 
should get back to more of a normal pace.


On Friday 21 June 2002 2:47 am, you wrote:
> I am, too. Attached find an intermediate screendump for a
> possible widget to access the stored documents (BLOBs) of a
> patient. Needs refinement but works. Code is starting to
> appear in test_area/blobs_hilbert/
> Karsten

Attachment: 20june_main_with_allergies.png
Description: PNG image

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