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[Gnumed-devel] [Fwd: [GPCG] messaging projects currently in progress]

From: David Guest
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] [Fwd: [GPCG] messaging projects currently in progress]
Date: 25 Sep 2002 09:03:34 +1000


I got this mail on an Australian government IT list. I was wondering 
how this would fit in with gnumed and whether much thought had been give to 
HL7 and ?GEHR structures. 

It seemed a potentially worthwhile dialog. 


>From: Danielle Penn <address@hidden>
>Reply-To: address@hidden
>To: address@hidden
>Subject: [GPCG] messaging projects currently in progress
>Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 14:42:54 +1000
>Hi there
>I am wanting to hear from organisations (particularly Divisions) that are
>involved with messaging projects at the moment.  That is, messaging from GP
>clinical desktop software to Division based registers or other GPs for
>example.  Data can then be imported and populated directly into patient
>management records.  The process may involve the use of XML, HL7, PKI and
>other standards regarding minimum datasets.
>It would be greatly appreciate if you could contact me (either phone or
>email) to explain your project further, so that we determine whether we
>have overlapping projects and/or be synergistic in some way.  We would like
>to share our experiences to date with HL7, PKI and standards, including
>providing our implementation specs for our diabetes messaging project (GP
>desktop software to Division register).  This discussion could be the basis
>of future funded projects through GPCG etc.
>Kind Regards,
>Danielle Penn
>Senior Research Associate
>Centre for General Practice Integration Studies
>School of Public Health and Community Medicine
>University of New South Wales
>Sydney NSW 2052
>Ph:    (02) 9385 1449
>Fax:   (02) 9385 1513

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