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[Gnumed-devel] DB bootstrap crashed

From: Les Ferguson
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] DB bootstrap crashed
Date: Wed, 16 Jul 2003 22:38:22 +1200
User-agent: KMail/1.5

Ok, I believe I have installed all the prerequisites, followed the Mandrake 
9.1 instructs (thanx Michael) and got the bootstrap script going with  

It seems to have created tables, usergroups etc, but fell over on something to 
do with 'audit_mark'.

Should I be using a different conf, or tweaking this file first ?

Les Ferguson

Mandrake 9.1
PostgreSQL  7.3.2-5mdk
Python 2.2.2-6mdk
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [INFO]  ( 
Registering service [clinical] (GnuMed internal name: [historica]).
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [INFO]  ( Service 
[historica] resides in core database.
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [INFO]  ( It will 
be automatically recognized by GnuMed.
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [WARN]  (./modules/ query 
>>>SELECT relname, oid
FROM pg_class
WHERE pg_class.oid in (
        SELECT inhrelid
        FROM pg_inherits
        WHERE inhparent = (
                SELECT oid
                FROM pg_class
                WHERE relname = '%s'
);<<< (args: ('audit_mark',)) failed
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [WARN]  (./modules/ exception type 
: libpq.OperationalError
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [WARN]  (./modules/ exception 
value: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "audit_mark" at character 200

2003-07-16 18:16:02 [DATA]  (./modules/ Traceback 
(most recent call last):<#10-0x0A-lf>
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [DATA]  (./modules/   File 
"./modules/", line 544, in run_query<#10-0x0A-lf>    
aCursor.execute(aQuery, *args)<#10-0x0A-lf>
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [DATA]  (./modules/   File 
"/usr/lib/python2.2/site-packages/pyPgSQL/", line 2956, in 
execute<#10-0x0A-lf>    raise OperationalError, msg<#10-0x0A-lf>
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [DATA]  (./modules/ 
OperationalError: ERROR:  parser: parse error at or near "audit_mark" at 
character 200<#10-0x0A-lf><#10-0x0A-lf>
2003-07-16 18:16:02 [ERROR] ( 
cannot get children of table audit_mark

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