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[Gnumed-devel] java test client.

From: s j tan
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] java test client.
Date: Mon, 11 Aug 2003 16:21:41 +1000

In test-area/java/gnmed there is a client application. It uses the
schema from gnumed and drugref org ( or parts thereof).
It requires the data of drugref org to be dumped over , once an initial
setup is executed to load the
The missing parts are:
1.      the hibernate2 libraries; xdoclet 1.2 libraries; ant built tool;
jdk 1.4  sdk ; postgres jdbc driver jar. 
2.      username password database names in the
file has to be set; the file property 
schema.has.been.exported=false needs to be set. The user must be granted
correct (easiest is all) permissions in the public schema of the chosen
postgres database. 
3.      ant testLoadPostcode will initially load the database. 
4.      psql –f theDatabase  will load the
drugref . user ihaywood must exist and have all permissions in
5.      ant test  will run console tests to load test data.
6.      if 5. works, then  ant testUI1. May need to run twice, as I have
had conflicting sessions on first run sometimes.
  This is prototyping work, and really it’s hard to come up with a good
framework , so I just did the usual hack thing and debugged one pointer
at a time. The hibernate framework makes the database programming a
little more fun, but maybe not much easier, except that associations
are automatically remembered via the object methods, and  navigating
relationships is assisted by a code completing IDE like netbeans.
 I realize this is a product of the Dark side of the Force (Sun), but
it’s power was irresistible   ; )

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