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Re: [Gnumed-devel] documentation

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] documentation
Date: Mon, 5 Jul 2004 10:07:44 +0200
User-agent: KMail/1.6.82

On Monday 05 July 2004 09:58, Horst Herb wrote:
> On Wed, 7 Jul 2004 17:08, sjtan wrote:
> > I thought there was something fishy about asking someone else to do it.
> > Richard's probably had enough of wxwidget's  wobbly sizer and component
> > composition framework.
> > To get the individual text boxes to vertical size separately, I had to
> > disconnect the sizer first.
> > I couldn't get flex grid sizer or wxBox sizer to do it after an
> > afternoon trying different things.
> > Don't ask me about the mouse thing, because its simple. Someone else do
> > it.
> Fantastic. Completely different approach than what I suggested (with the
> splitters, and probably works with less resources your way.
> We are really getting a nice collection of functional super-widgets now!
Just a humble suggestion. I am a friends of heavy reuse of code. Would the 
creators of those widgets mind documenting them in the Wiki? I know from your 
perspective it all seems clear but for a beginner like me and maybe other 
coders who will join in after your announcements today it's close to 
impossible to know what goodies are already in CVS. So please put a little 
note in the Wiki. Thank you very much.

That way in a couple of months when I have long forgotten about your widgets I 
can look at the Wiki and see what I can reuse. 

Sebastian Hilbert 
Leipzig / Germany
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