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[Gnumed-devel] Re: French drug database in GNUmed

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] Re: French drug database in GNUmed
Date: Mon, 15 Feb 2010 10:42:57 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.0 (Linux/; KDE/4.4.0; i686; ; )

Am Montag 15 Februar 2010 09:07:15 schrieben Sie:

Hi Eric,

Thanks for your quick reply.

> For now I can :
> 1) help you to connect gnumed to FreeDiams (exchange file, command
> line, XML coded). FreeDiams is already connected to MedinTux
> software ; it is i18n (en/fr/de - es in progress). And works really
> fine with it. google-translate this page :

Thanks for the kind offer. Are you saying FreeDiams handles the data access 
part and acts as a mediator between the database and Medintux ?

> 2) give you two free drugs database :
>    2.1) French :
> (16
> 000 drugs)
>    2.2) USA :
>    2.3) All these databases are developed by government agencies. They
> are reliable and regularly updated.

So I assume you have written some interface to talk to the two drug sources or 
so you import the data in a special way.

> Actually FreeDiams uses SQLite for the drugs database access, dosage
> saving, templates saving, but I can work on a postgre translation...

I will forward that kind offer to the GNUmed mailing list. Have you heard of 
drugref2 before ? From the standpoint of any EMR it would be really worthwhile 
if a common interface could be developed that abstracts the underlying data 
sources. I guess your work is a great step in that direction and I wonder how 
much work it would be to work on something like drugref given your work.

I imagine something like that:

FreeDiams cmd line
FDA data/DPD data/French data

> FreeDiams is developped with Qt4.6.1/C++ and works nativelly with Win,
> Mac, Linux, FreeBSD.
I see.

> FreeDiams is a part of the FreeMedForms project which is a free, open
> source, BSD licenced medical record manager. The project is 1.5 year
> old, FreeDiams 1.1 year old.
Who is working on FreeMedForms and how far is it advanced ? How is it 
different from GNUmed (other then programming language)

> Mailing list (french/english spoken) : address@hidden
> Web site:
I take it from your videos that you are developing on MS WIndows ?

Take care,

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