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Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: GNUmed has a web interface - starting today.

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] Re: GNUmed has a web interface - starting today.
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 08:40:04 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.13.1 (Linux/; KDE/4.4.1; i686; ; )

Am Samstag 13 März 2010 07:58:16 schrieb Gour:
> On Fri, 12 Mar 2010 22:29:21 +0100
> Sebastian> What's next ? This is a prototype only. It show that the
> Sebastian> existing GNUmed code can be reused without rewriting it. One
> Sebastian> needs python skills and HTML and/or some Javascript skills
> Sebastian> to hack up a nice user interface. Some Ajax won't hurt
> Sebastian> either.
> Shall we discuss now which web framework to use or CherryPy is already
> 'besetzt' ? ;)
Currently cherrypy is only used to start a webserver and expose some functions 
to the web. Personally I don't care much about the framework as I most likely 
won't be coding much in terms of webinterface.

So anyone coding that thing is free to choose. The point was to show that is 
just another interface and that the middleware can be used without changes.

On the German python forum anyone can be part of a good flamewar or two over 
frameworks.  It boils down to that they are not overly useful when you don't 
use their database access capabilities (which we don't).

Django seems to be more widly distributed then turbogears. Both have larger 
projects deployed. Then there is pylons, cherrypy, werkzeug. 

Supposedly one ore the other has a better templating system and/or session 
management. Since you like tryton (which is openerp I believe) you might want 
to look at turbogears (which in turn uses cherrypy).

Happy coding,

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