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Re: [Gnumed-devel] visual progress notes

From: Karsten Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] visual progress notes
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 2010 11:56:15 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

On Tue, Mar 23, 2010 at 10:46:49AM +0100, Hilbert, Sebastian wrote:

> I seem to not comprehend how this works. I observer that there is a button 
> templates and a button file.
> Pressing the button template did not invoke any action.

Because no template was yet selected in the phrasewheel
*above* the two buttons.

> Only after I started 
> typing in the phrasewheel above did it invoke a dialog which opened the image 
> I had chosen.

Nope. Only after you 1) typed and selected a template AND 2)
pressed [template] again.

> In the dialog I type gwenview for the program which did open the 
> image in gwenview.

Gwenview isn't suited to *editing* images particularly well :-)

> Upon closing nothing changed in the user interface.

Sure, because you didn't edit the template. GNUmed decreed
that there's no use saving an unmodified template to the EMR
of the patient. Users will need to decide whether that's
useful or not. Maybe GNUmed should ask what to do ?

> Chosing a file via the file dialog did bring up the file and display it to 
> the 
> left once I had closed gwenview.

Yep, because if you chose it from the filesystem it likely
is a one-time photograph of, say, a wound or rash which
likely doesn't need editing - it can speak for itself.

> I have been told before that the visual progress note is not directly 
> connected to the progress note to the left.

It is just as disconnected from the textual progress notes
as these are from each other even within the same encounter.

> Would it make sense to integrate the whole visual progress note panel as a 
> tab 
> in the notebook to the left ?

That would work, too, but it would disrupt the logical scope
of the action buttons below. Which may not be a big deal if
adjusted appropriately. One would lose the ability to view
an image alongside a notelet, however.

It's the way it is ATM. I wanted to see what users thought
of it.

There's always the draggable splitter between the notebook
and the textuals.

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