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Re: [Gnumed-devel] upgrade to 1.4

From: Sebastian Hilbert
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] upgrade to 1.4
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 20:45:59 +0100
User-agent: KMail/4.11.2 (Linux/3.11.0-13-generic; KDE/4.11.2; i686; ; )

Am Mittwoch, 13. November 2013, 22:44:55 schrieb Vaibhav Banait:
> Though eager,  I am equally reluctant and anxious about upgrading to gnumed
> 1.4. My previous experiences were not good (if not bad) about the upgrade
> procedure and I had suffered data loss during the procedure. This may be
> related to my inexperience with the procedure.
> Would you be kind enough to describe the procedure of upgradation which
> would safeguard me from dataloss. I would in particular would like to know
> 1. How can I confirm that adequate back up has been done and the backup
> restores successfully without resultant errors. Previously restore had
> failed to restore the system qwithout encountering errors.
When doing a database backup we are talking about data backup, schema backup 
and user/roles backup. The most important is data backup since you can alway 
recreate the schema and users but not your data.

The only way to know for sure if your backup works it to restore it. If you 
don't trust that you can alway do a backup of the postgresql data files itself. 
This means you backup the complete postgresql.


Everything is in there. It is 321MB on my system. It might be the safest but 
not the preferred way.

You might feel better knowing one bit of information. During the update the 
v18 database is never changed. It gets cloned/copied and this copy is then 
upgraded. v18 is left untouched so you could simply install GNUmed 1.3.8 and 
return to the older version.

Many people try the procedure on a second computer first. Install GNUmed-server 
on a second computer and replace the

C:\Programme\PostgreSQL\9.2 with the backup from the first computer. Restart 
and it should magically have everything ready. 

> 2. What additional component I need to take care while upgrading
> (templates, placeholders)
Karsten will answer that. I believe everything is inside the database so you 
don't have to mess with copying files around.

> 3. If psql version is being upgraded, do I need to remove the older version?
psql does not get updated. You should have PG 9.2 with your current GNUmed 
already so this is left unchanged.

> 4. What passwords I am expected to know during upgrade procedure?


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