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Re: [Gnumed-devel] psql upgrade

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: Re: [Gnumed-devel] psql upgrade
Date: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 17:25:09 +0000

On 2013-11-24, at 4:13 AM, Sebastian Hilbert <address@hidden> wrote:

> Am Sonntag, 24. November 2013, 14:13:09 schrieb Vaibhav Banait:
>> How can I write the output of command \d substance_intake to file . There
>> is a large data which I can not capture onto the image.
>> Vaibhav
> I have not tested this.

I had the interest to do so.. the first method

        db=>\o out.txt
        db=>select * from audit.log_episode where pk = 555;

can log into psql using gm-dbo (for example with psql -U gm-dbo -d gnumed_v18) 
and will write to the user's local directory (for example, 
~/Downloads/gnumed-client.1.4.1/client) from which psql is called. However, the 
output is not very aesthetic:

 pk_audit | orig_version | orig_when | orig_by | orig_tableoid | audit_action | 
audit_when | audit_by | row_version | modified_when | modified_by | pk | 
fk_health_issue | description | is_open | fk_encounter | 
diagnostic_certainty_classification | summary 
(0 rows)

The second method will output the file to a directory on the *server* 

        COPY (select * from audit.log_episode where pk = 555) TO 
'/tmp/query.csv' (format csv, delimiter ';');


1) relative paths in TO are not supported (thus no ~ or ./ )
2) the system user postgres must have write permissions in the TO directory, 
thus the need to output to /tmp/ or to a directory created for use by postgres, 
as shown with examples here

-- Jim

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