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testcases seem to be a fail

From: David Wetzel
Subject: testcases seem to be a fail
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2010 17:52:49 -0700

Hi guys,

I was testing the test cases on my Snow Leopard machine.
In theory they should be fine right?
But they are not.
See below.


address@hidden>cd base
../ .
address@hidden>../ .
--- Running tests in . ---

COMPILEFAIL: ./Functions/NSPathUtilities.m

FAIL: ./Functions/NSZone.m

FAIL: flip transform inverts point y
FAIL: flip is reversible
FAIL: simple translate works
FAIL: two simple translates work
FAIL: translate and rotate works
FAIL: simple rotate works
FAIL: rotate and translate works

FAIL: +new creates an empty NSArchiver

FAIL: Object 0 of class 'NSMutableAttributedString' is retained by copy with 
same zone

FAIL: Object 0 of class 'NSBundle' has working retainCount

FAIL: ./NSBundle/general.m

FAIL: ./NSBundle/load/load.m

FAIL: ./NSBundle/resources.m

FAIL: Returned array contains non-localized resource
FAIL: Returned array contains localized resource
FAIL: Returned array contains non-localized resource
FAIL: Returned array contains localized resource

FAIL: Object 0 of class 'NSCalendarDate' is retained by copy with same zone

FAIL: +dateWithString:calendarFormat:locale: objects to zero day
FAIL: +dateWithString:calendarFormat:locale: objects to zero month
FAIL: +dateWithString:calendarFormat:locale: objects to long timezone
FAIL: date check with 2001-02-28 04:00:01
FAIL: date check with 2001-02-27 04:00:01
FAIL: date check with 2002-02-28 04:00:01
FAIL: date check with 2002-03-31 03:30:00
FAIL: date check with 2002-03-31 02:30:00
FAIL: date check with 2002-03-31 00:30:00
FAIL: date hour calculation check with 2002-10-27 01:30:00

FAIL: R format works in description
FAIL: r format works in description

FAIL: Caching of standard sets

FAIL: 0x0010fffe is illegal
FAIL: 0x0010fffe is not legal
FAIL: 0x0010fffd illegal
FAIL: 0x0010fffd is illegal

FAIL: Object 0 of class 'NSMutableData' is not retained by copy with other zone

FAIL: Object 0 of class 'NSDate' is retained by copy with same zone

FAIL: -allKeysForObject: gives nil for an empty dictionary

FAIL: raises NSInvalidArgumentException in description

FAIL: -addObject: raises with nil

FAIL: Class 'NSInvocation' has working init
FAIL: Class 'NSInvocation' has working new

FAIL: ./NSInvocation/general.m

COMPILEFAIL: ./NSInvocation/test01.m

FAIL: raises NSInvalidArgumentException in description
FAIL: raises NSInvalidArgumentException in description

COMPILEFAIL: ./NSLock/RecursiveLock.m

COMPILEFAIL: ./NSLock/condlock.m

COMPILEFAIL: ./NSLock/doubleLocking.m

COMPILEFAIL: ./NSLock/tryLock.m

FAIL: -setObject:forKey: works with nil value
FAIL: -setObject:forKey: raises with nil key

FAIL: ./NSMutableAttributedString/test01.m

FAIL: -allKeysForObject: gives nil for an empty dictionary

FAIL: contains range

FAIL: -initWithData:encoding: gives nil for invalid encodings

FAIL: ./NSMutableString/basic.m

FAIL: pointerValue works
FAIL: NSDecimalNumber boolValue works

FAIL: default format same as Cocoa
FAIL: round up for fractional part >0.5
FAIL: round down for fractional part <0.5
FAIL: numeric and space padding OK
FAIL: prefix and suffix used properly
FAIL: negativeFormat used for -ve number

FAIL: ./NSObject/test01.m

FAIL: NSOperation cannot be started twice

UNRESOLVED: test_NSCopying object 0

FAIL: Class 'NSProxy' uses zone for alloc
FAIL: Class 'NSProxy' -zone works

COMPILEFAIL: ./NSProxy/test01.m

FAIL: Object 0 of class 'NSSortDescriptor' is not retained by copy with other 
FAIL: hash for similar descriptors is the same


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