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Re: NIB loader problem

From: Luboš Doležel
Subject: Re: NIB loader problem
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2012 09:29:20 +0100
User-agent: Roundcube Webmail/0.5

On Mon, 17 Dec 2012 20:37:22 +0100, Ivan Vučica wrote:

For what Bayon is using NSTrackingArea, see ImagePreviewCell class in
Apple's sample PhotoSearch. From what I remember, it's exclusively
used in that place. It's currently available on this URL:

For those interested in NSTrackingArea and too lazy to look it up:

Precisely because it's used in such basic sample code I suspect it's
going to be used in a lot of post-10.5 OS X code. Also, based on the
following link, and looking quickly at GNUstep source code, it looks
like we can rename the private GSTrackingRect class (possibly adding a
same-named subclass, for compatibility).

The real deal here is probably supporting correctly all the flags passed in NSTrackingAreaOptions.
And then:

* NSRunLoopCommonModes shouldn't be that hard, given that gnustep-corebase supports it already. BTW, Apple's documentation in this case is quite weak, it reminds me of ALSA.

* "Common File System Resource Keys" in NSURL can't be to difficult, I could try to add it myself.

* Grand Central Dispatch - I've successfully compiled with a few changes to make use of libobjc2's Blocks support. Wouldn't it we worthwhile to move objc/blocks_runtime.h and objc/blocks_private.h to a more OS X-like location/naming "Block_private.h"/"Block.h"? Symlinks would work too...

With that and a working NIB loader, we could get it to work finally.

Luboš Doležel

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