Le 18.07.2013 17:00, Vincent R. a écrit :
Le 18.07.2013 04:51, Gregory Casamento a écrit :
Creating Gorm.app/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
plmerge: Uncaught exception (null), reason:
-initWithBytes:lenth:encoding given nul bytes
I have reported it in a previous message but nobody cares ...
See my second message entitled : compiling GNUstep with clang, in my
first message I wrote that I had some errors
than I have understood I needed to compile libc++ then in my second
message I had a crash inside plmerge :
I am copy/pasting :
if [ -r "libgnustep-back-023Info.plist" ]; then \
plmerge libgnustep-back-023.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist
libgnustep-back-023Info.plist; \
plmerge: Uncaught exception (null), reason:
-initWithBytes:lenth:encoding given nul bytes
make[3]: ***
[libgnustep-back-023.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist] Error 134
make[3]: *** Deleting file
make[2]: *** [libgnustep-back-023.all.bundle.variables] Error 2
make[1]: *** [internal-all] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory
I tried to debug but ut's not easy because even if I have stripped
libobjc2 I generally end up inside all the objc
machinery, however at the end I think the problem comes from the
NSString with utf8 because the last line before the crash is inside
if ([c count] > 0)
* The dictionary should be empty ... report problems
fprintf(stderr, "Configuration contains unknown keys - %s\n",
[[[c allKeys] description] UTF8String]);
The problem seems to be the UTF8String...
I tried to put a breakpoint inside but it didn't work.
During my first build attempt there was a message about missing
en_EN-8859 or something like that but I don't manage to get this
again so maybe it could come from that.