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Re: Embedded blocks...

From: David Chisnall
Subject: Re: Embedded blocks...
Date: Tue, 29 Oct 2019 12:50:23 +0000
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On 27/10/2019 16:05, Gregory Casamento wrote:
We are a GNU / FSF project.  Dropping support for GCC would be bad political mojo.   There is little we can do to bridge the gap other than doing these macros.

I don't really understand how this works. GCC does not support a post-2005 dialect of Objective-C. GNUstep is a framework that aims to provide an implementation of the 2019 Objective-C standard library. Why is it politically problematic for GNUstep to drop support for GCC, but not problematic for GCC to drop support for GNUstep?

For what it's worth, I've spoken to a couple of GCC devs over the last few years about supporting modern Objective-C (because I would like us to have a choice of compilers), but the effort involved for them is huge (even a naive ARC implementation is a big piece of effort) and the return is small (why would anyone use it? Basically, the only target market is GNUstep developers on platforms that Clang doesn't support, which I think is a set containing only Riccardo). There is some interest in supporting blocks, because Apple's libc headers no longer support compilers that don't support blocks, but even then I haven't seen much progress from GCC.


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