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Re: [Question] gpsd, ntrip & C94-M8P (u-Blox)

From: Florian Kiera
Subject: Re: [Question] gpsd, ntrip & C94-M8P (u-Blox)
Date: Tue, 28 Apr 2020 10:25:58 +0200
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Hey Gary!

Am 28.04.20 um 00:17 schrieb Gary E. Miller:
Yo Florian!

[rover_ntrip_caster_output_gpsd.txt  text/plain (320 bytes)]

The contents:

user@rover ~/Desktop $ gpsd -n -G ntrip://usr:pw@ip:port/BASIS -N
gpsd:ERROR: Unknown reply ICY 200 OK\x0d\x0a from Ntrip service ip:port/BASIS
gpsd:ERROR: can't extract Ntrip stream from root:root
gpsd:ERROR: ntrip://root:root: device activation failed.
gpsd:ERROR: ntrip://root:root: activation failed, freeing device

Looks like a fatal error to me.  Any logs/doc on what your ntrip server
is expecting?

My ntrip caster is expecting 2 different requests: first the source request (base output). That for it needs a decode password and the stream it is sending to (encoding_pw@ip:port/stream). 2nd it expects a poll request (rover input) for the stream (ntrip://usr:pw@ip:port/stream). You can secure your streams with a user and his corresponding password which can be set in the config files of the ntripcaster. ICY 200 OK is the respond of the ntrip caster that the validation was successful to enter this stream. The stream opened before without any issue, so I cannot tell why its a problem now. If it was not of interest could you please tell me what information you expect from me about the ntrip caster? As ntrip server I can also just use str2str which sends the data in the following syntax: "./str2str -in serial://ttyACM0 -out ntrips://:encoding_pw@ip:port/stream" instead of the open source ntrip server which I cannot tell what it exactly does.

Also, with no GNSS receiver, nothing useful can be done with the ntrip
data even if it worked.

As far as I know/read the M8P's are GNSS receiver. ( source of information)
May I did the wrong setup on that point as well?

[rover_config.txt  text/plain (11182 bytes)]

The "-v 2" options would have decoded the messages a bit more.

The NAKs are because you did not set "-P 20.30", so the wrong configs
were requested.  Thus missing stuff.

Okay will send them again. Hopefully entirely and correct.

Did you intend your rover to be set to dynModel 0?

I did not, I dont even know what exactly dynModel is. :/

[ntrip_caster_output_str2str.txt  text/plain (2337 bytes)]

The interesting part would be the output TO the ntrip caster.  Clearly
str2str is sedning something to the ntrip server to make it happy that
gpsd is not sending.

Base output? Cause that is what base_gpsd.txt is giving. str2str and gpsd don't make a difference, at least in point of base output. Its also the same as the output of the ntrip caster (no mutation on the ntrip caster). So transfering data from base to the caster and retrieving the information from the ntrip caster is working (content could be wrong due to my wrong configurations). I cannot tell if there are content errors but the transferring of the information seems to be 1:1. The ntrip caster wasn't the problem with gpsd (not in the past, now it gives the OK error as described above). Using gpsd and str2str give the same output (gpsd just cannot give it to the caster?)

[base_gpsd.txt  text/plain (6854 bytes)]

Looks normal.  As you can see, the gpsd decode is marginal...

I only used gpsdecode for the str2str function because else its a binary output?

[base_config.txt  text/plain (5835 bytes)]

dynModel 2 for a base station???

Don't know what dynModel exactly means, probably did not set it on purpose.

It is surveyed-in?  Data in "-p NAV-SVIN"

I gave it a fixed position for testing around because else it would take a lot of time whenever I restart my base computer. So no its not surveyed-in for now. (should do so when it goes into proper work)

[rover_status.txt  text/plain (3918 bytes)]

Ditto on the "-P 20.30".

I assume this is "-p STATUS"?  What happened to the ACk/NAKs??
I don't know

[base_status.txt  text/plain (3887 bytes)] `

Ditto on the "-P 20.30".

I assume this is "-p STATUS"?  What happened to the ACk/NAKs??
Yes x_status is the status of the corresponding station
I don't know (copied 1 to 1 from the console)

I will provide the proper status information with "-P 20.30" I hope.

base_x_v_and_p.txt contains the corresponding output of "ubxtool -p STATUS/CONFIG -v 2 -P 20.30" rover_x_v_and_p.txt contains the corresponding output of "ubxtool -p STATUS/CONFIG -v 2 -P 20.30"

Regards, Florian

Attachment: rover_status_v_and_p.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: rover_config_v_and_p.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: base_status_v_and_p.txt
Description: Text document

Attachment: base_config_v_and_p.txt
Description: Text document

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