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NMEA but no PPS in ntp, Ubuntu 18.04.5

From: Steve Bourland
Subject: NMEA but no PPS in ntp, Ubuntu 18.04.5
Date: Fri, 4 Dec 2020 10:42:59 -0600
User-agent: Alpine 2.21 (DEB 202 2017-01-01)

Yo Gary!

  2. NMEA but no PPS in ntp, Ubuntu 18.04.5 (Gary E. Miller)

Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 16:20:56 -0800
From: "Gary E. Miller" <>
Subject: NMEA but no PPS in ntp, Ubuntu 18.04.5

Sorry, I forgot the -N.  That shold be an FAQ.

No worries, I've been around gpsd long enough I knew I'd need it :)

After looking at the code, I decided the log never tells you which SHM()
was used.  The ntpshm_link_activated just tells you 0 == Serial, 1 ==
PPS, not which SHM.  That logging is improved in git head.

I'll pull git head and build this morning, let you know when I have that done (probably sending the new log). I'm happy to test anything you want on this server while it's down, least I can do to help you get more test points.

Yup, cgps thinks 3D, but PPS thinks otherwise.

gpsd:INFO: PPS:/dev/ttyS0 Assert hooks called clock:
1607005294.000156294 real:  1607005294.000000000: no fix

Very odd.  Hard to debug threading remotely.

Did you ever get aound to getting ntpd to listen to SHM(0) and SHM(2)?

Did try using with no change. The SHM(2) only has a single entry at startup of ntpshmmon, only SHM(0) gets per second entries on the sick system. The "healthy" system (Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS, Linux 4.15.0-72-generic #81-Ubuntu, gpsd: 3.19.1~dev (revision 3.19.1~dev-2019-12-16T16:01:12), ntpd ntpsec-1.1.0+419 2018-03-14T12:03:57-0700, using and successfully) reports entries for NTP2 and NTP3 at startup, then NTP0 and NTP1 per second (I hope that makes sense). The "sick" system was working just fine prior to my upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04. The upgrade was done in-situ, so the cabling and receiver didn't move (ie, I have high confidence my issues are software not hardware. Given we're seeing PPS signals with ppstest and cgps thinks we have a fix but pps doesn't, I think you're on board with me? I haven't ruled out "permissions" issues that may have come up with the OS move, but have shutdown apparmor to no avail, and can't find a difference between the two systems in that regard).

Depending you your GNSS receiver that change may help, or not.  The
benefit, depending on model is that gpsd may optimize the sentences that
your receiver sends.

Both systems are using (hold your nose) Garmin 18x LVCs, so I suspect there won't be much change if I drop the -b.

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