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Re: NTP via tcp NMEA feed

From: Nick Taylor
Subject: Re: NTP via tcp NMEA feed
Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2022 12:18:55 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/91.10.0

Yo Gary

When gpsd is sstarted with -n, as root, it will output $GPRMC time to
ntpshmmon.  gpsd does not care where its NMEA comes from.

If you are saying that gpsd fed via tcp NMEA stream should still be 
outputting to the shm then that doesn't seem to be working for me...
Send your -D 4 log again then.

Attached nmea-feed log - no output from ntpshmmon:

root@TSB-1650:~# ntpshmmon  
ntpshmmon: version 3.24.1~dev
#      Name  Seen@                 Clock                 Real                 L Prc

To confirm normal operation also attached std-feed.log and ntpshmmon looks good:

root@TSB-1650:~# ntpshmmon  
ntpshmmon: version 3.24.1~dev
#      Name  Seen@                 Clock                 Real                 L Prc
sample NTP0  1665832188.832601592  1665832188.826652304  1665832188.000000000 0  -1
sample NTP0  1665832189.172162853  1665832189.171634524  1665832189.000000000 0  -1
sample NTP0  1665832190.179076849  1665832190.178604603  1665832190.000000000 0  -1
sample NTP0  1665832191.196901179  1665832191.196554598  1665832191.000000000 0  -1
sample NTP0  1665832192.179831607  1665832192.179523276  1665832192.000000000 0  -1
sample NTP0  1665832193.176160933  1665832193.175577687  1665832193.000000000 0  -1

Something not quite right I think... Will leave in your capable hands...

Best regards


Attachment: nmea-feed.log
Description: Text document

Attachment: std-feed.log
Description: Text document

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