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Re: NTP via tcp NMEA feed

From: James Browning
Subject: Re: NTP via tcp NMEA feed
Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2022 15:06:32 -0700

On Oct 14, 2022, 14:01, Nick Taylor <> wrote:

Yo Gary

>> I was hoping that NMEA contained enough time info that the dest gpsd
>> could still obtain time and broadcast on the shm segment as readable
>> with ntpshmmon.
> Which is eacatly what it does.
Sorry to be a pain, but I'm still not quite clear... If you refer back
to my original post I show the output from gpspipe which contains time,
but ntpshmmon shows no output.

I do not suppose gpsd started with root privileges and ntpshmmon did not? The first two segments there are r/w for root only.

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