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Help needed packaging rust-cbindgen, a dependency of IceCat 68

From: Mark H Weaver
Subject: Help needed packaging rust-cbindgen, a dependency of IceCat 68
Date: Tue, 22 Oct 2019 02:23:11 -0400

Hello fellow Guix,

I have good news and bad news.  The good news is that thanks to the
heroic efforts of Amin Bandali <address@hidden>, a recently appointed
co-maintainer of GNU IceCat, there now exists a preliminary version of
IceCat 68 that builds successfully and works on Trisquel.

The bad news is that IceCat 68 has a new dependency: rust-cbindgen,
which itself depends on *245* other Rust libraries that are not yet
packaged for Guix.

I'm very glad for "guix import crate -r", which was able to enumerate
this list of dependencies for me, and to auto-generate ~267 kilobytes of
new package definitions, but unfortunately it was only able to deduce
the license for about half of those.  131 out of 245 of these new
package definitions have (license #f).  I'm not sure what's up with
that, but it might be necessary to manually determine the licenses of

Mozilla is scheduled to release Firefox 68.2 ESR today, along with a
security advisory describing flaws in previous versions of Firefox which
are fixed in 68.2.  Many of these security flaws will affect IceCat 60,
but the 60 ESR branch is no longer supported upstream.  This means that
we need to get IceCat 68 packaged ASAP.

There are other urgent matters demanding my attention right now, so I
cannot afford to do all of this work myself.  I can take care of
upgrading and debugging the IceCat 68 package itself -- I already have a
preliminary patch capable of generating the source tarball -- but I need
help packaging rust-cbindgen and its 245 dependencies.

Who's willing to help?  To get started: "guix import crate -r cbindgen".


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