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Re: [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: Re: [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/storm article.rst
Date: Sat, 01 Feb 2003 18:41:04 +0100
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address@hidden wrote:
Lainaus Benja Fallenstein <address@hidden>:
But how is it relevant to Storm? I mean, you surely aren't saying that we should include everything that is interesting, no matter whether it is relevant or not? :-)

I think it's as relevant as other p2p techniques to Storm :).

E.g. DHTs are relevant because using them, you can implement a StormPool with blocks from all servers/peers on the public Internet-- and you cannot without using a DHT or other decentralized indexing scheme. So you *can* implement a vital part of the Storm design with them, and you *can't* without them-- that clearly makes them relevant IMO :-)

> But I don't say
we should include everything in p2p field; just the things which are most common/interesting are worth to mention in short overview section on p2p research field (?).

No, I think we should include only those things that are directly related to Storm, i.e. file sharing/distributed indexing things.

- Benja

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