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[Gzz-commits] manuscripts/xupdf article.rst

From: Benja Fallenstein
Subject: [Gzz-commits] manuscripts/xupdf article.rst
Date: Sat, 15 Feb 2003 18:36:00 -0500

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gzz
Module name:    manuscripts
Changes by:     Benja Fallenstein <address@hidden>      03/02/15 18:35:59

Modified files:
        xupdf          : article.rst 

Log message:


Index: manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst
diff -u manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.198 manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.199
--- manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst:1.198 Sat Feb 15 18:31:35 2003
+++ manuscripts/xupdf/article.rst       Sat Feb 15 18:35:58 2003
@@ -553,9 +553,9 @@
-The Gzz Vob graphics model provides a simple way of
+Gzz's Vob graphics model provides a simple way of
 specifying geometry and automatic animation between views.
-A Vob is a visual object that knows how to draw itself in
+A vob is a visual object that knows how to draw itself in
 one or more coordinate systems (for example, a connection line
 vob draws a line between the origins of two coordinate systems). 
 Views place vobs and coordinate systems into *vob scenes*
@@ -565,25 +565,25 @@
 interpolated to the corresponding coordinate systems of the
 following view, resulting in smooth animation.
+Many source code changes yield immediate effects without rebuilding.
+Jython source files can be dynamically reloaded and most vobs
+are specified using strings that are dynamically compiled into 
+OpenGL display lists.
+Despite this, the framerate is high, because the 
+interpolation of the coordinate systems and the actual rendering of vobs 
+is performed by native C++ code.
 The goal of the Gzz project is an environment in which
 documents from different applications ('applitudes') are seamlessly
 interconnected. The BuoyOING user interface is a key component of this system.
-To take advantage of the system, a view only needs to implement
+To take advantage of the buoy system, a view only needs to implement
 an interface for placing itself as a buoy or as the main document,
 identifying links to show. The system will automatically place
-the buoys and react to mouse clicks by changing the focused document.
+the buoys and react to mouse clicks by changing the focus.
 In the full Gzz system, it will be possible to edit a document
 with links visible as buoys, follow a link to another document
 from another application by clicking on a buoy, and continue editing
 in the second document.
-Many source code changes yield immediate effects without rebuilding.
-Jython source files can be dynamically reloaded and most vobs
-are specified using strings that are dynamically compiled into 
-OpenGL display lists.
-Despite this, the framerate is high, because the 
-interpolation of the coordinate systems and the actual rendering of vobs 
-is performed by native C++ code.
 The Gzz platform is free software and can be downloaded through
 the http://gzz.info website.

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