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Re: [Gzz] PEG 1003

From: Tuomas Lukka
Subject: Re: [Gzz] PEG 1003
Date: Sat, 7 Sep 2002 11:09:11 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

> The question here is whether to let text vobs in GL determine their 
> size through the scale passed by the vob system, or whether also to 
> respect the font size passed to them in their constructor... probably 
> the former.

Both: they multiply them. 

Text in GL is rendered by drawing small textured polygons. The constructor
sets the polygons' sizes related to the local coordinate system, and
the vob system sets the relation of the local cs to global cs.

> The problem with having scale in OrthoCoorder is: Let's assume we have 
> a coordsys showing a window, with cells in it. If we put the window 
> coordsys into another coordsys scaled by factor 2, the rect bg vobs in 
> the window would scale uniformly by factor 2, but the fonts would scale 
> by something else, probably a little more. That would look very ugly, 
> as the text would be badly clipped. :-(

We do have scalablefont, which avoids that.

> >>The information EVERY vob (I think) needs to draw itself is:
> >>- a position on the screen
> >>- a shape for clipping
> >>
> >>The clipping shape can be set in the drawing context before the vob 
> >>is asked to draw itself, so that the vob needn't worry about it.
> >>   
> >>
> >
> >But what about the shape? How does the techreport stuff work here?
> >
> Sorry, I don't understand the question: What do you mean by, "what 
> about the shape?"

Ok, I mean passing the shape: if you want a rectangular box whose
edges stay the same width through interpolated aspect ratio changes,
you need to know the shape.


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