Dear comunity
I am working on customizing a module ( I couldnt get wjat I am looking form )
The module is named health, from gnuhealth, and my interested is on the appointments list view, what I have at normal behavior:
- one textbox filter
- one list box with whole appointments
What I a m looking for:
- three filter boxes
* a calendar to choose a day
* a combo box for specialities
* a combo box gealth professionals
* a combo box to state of the row
- one list box with the filtered results. It means, that on inicial state must be clear, and after select
1. date
2. Speciality and then professional
* State must be "free" as default
The list box must be populated
Until now, I just have written
class Appointment(ModelSQL, ModelView):
'Patient Appointments'
__name__ = 'gnuhealth.appointment'
def __setup__(cls):
print "setup appointment"
super(Appointment, cls).__setup__()
#cls.domain.insert(('appointment_date', '>=',
print dir (cls)
cls._order.insert(0, ('appointment_date', 'ASC'))
I understsnd that the combo boxed are on a xml view over writting the a view secction on the main (mother) view
I am not looking for you write it for me, I am looking for information or samples on
0. intial list states
1. work with filters
Thanks a lot
Carlos Eduardo Sotelo Pinto
Senior Software Analyst Developer
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