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Re: Issues with ICD-10 coding and translation and missing modules

From: Francisco Vila
Subject: Re: Issues with ICD-10 coding and translation and missing modules
Date: Tue, 21 Jul 2020 18:19:22 +0200
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El 20/7/20 a las 23:02, Edgar Hagenbichler escribió:
Dear Francisco,

great that you found a way to harvest this information! That is exactly
the right direction!

At weblate there is a csv-file with the current translation (but not
with the latest updates from yesterday) (see attachment).

In A00-B99 there are 935 codes, while in the CIE10-Cap1-bis.txt there
are 493 codes. Will it be difficult to provide the other 442 codes?

Thank you very much!

All the best


I have found a very comprehensive list, official, in Spanish. It is very
recent, too: 01/01/2020.

It has several levels of detail: one tab named "complete" has rows 5 to
1320 for A00 to B99.9 and has distinct A00 A01 etc mixed in along with
A00.0 etc. (Total rows: 99236)

Another tab named "finals" has only A00.0 A00.1-type entries and it goes
from row 2 to 1059 for A00.0 -- B99.9 (total rows: 71933)

It also has tabs for "new" (778 entries, including e.g. two for chapter
one, namely A04.71 and A04.72) and more.

Take a look on them in these links (which expire in 7 days)

* CIE-10-ES-2020-COMPLETE.txt (8,5 MB) alojado en *cloud:
* CIE-10-ES-2020-FINALS.txt (6,6 MB) alojado en *cloud:

Francisco Vila, Ph.D. - Badajoz (Spain)
Tutoriales de LilyPond y Frescobaldi

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