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Re: [Help-bash] set time

From: readmax
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] set time
Date: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 16:12:47 +0000

On Friday, September 14, 2012 at 12:49 PM, Greg Wooledge <address@hidden> wrote:
But *why* do you want to set the system clock ahead 2.5 hours? It's
such a bizarre request that you must be doing it to solve some other
problem, which can perhaps
I often have wild drifts in my virtual machines, the sort that ntp can't deal with and internet access is quite often not available (thus, no ntpdate either).

So I use a script that shifts the time by one second or more every few or several seconds (depending on the situation) based on my algorithm (which would become too mathematically complicated to me, at least for the time I afford to give it, if some of its steps themselves take an unpredictable *and* non-negligible number of milliseconds to run). I use date -s "$intv seconds" (as one your replies suggested) and, while it's far from perfect, it's making the situation much more manageable, as at least I'm running just one command.

Certainly, if you could help me find another approach to this, that would be great.

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