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Re: [Help-bash] Unicode characters in PS1 : line wrapping

From: Chet Ramey
Subject: Re: [Help-bash] Unicode characters in PS1 : line wrapping
Date: Thu, 21 May 2015 10:39:45 -0400
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0

On 5/21/15 10:02 AM, Florent B wrote:
> On 05/21/2015 03:55 PM, Eduardo A. Bustamante López wrote:
>> On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 09:58:25AM +0200, Florent B wrote:
>>> Under Debian Jessie (bash 4.3.30(1)) I have the same problem.
>>> I set my PS1 in /etc/profile.d/ and :
>> And?
>> It seems that you hit "send" too early.
> Sorry it was a screenshot that was removed from my message, you can see
> it here :

OK.  I built a quickie Debian 7 VM and ran bash-4.3.39 in it with your
PS1 (using Terminal) and still can't reproduce the problem using the
en_US.UTF-8 locale.

``The lyf so short, the craft so long to lerne.'' - Chaucer
                 ``Ars longa, vita brevis'' - Hippocrates
Chet Ramey, ITS, CWRU    address@hidden

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