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Re: What's a better regexp for 'sentence-end' variable??

From: gebser
Subject: Re: What's a better regexp for 'sentence-end' variable??
Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2003 15:15:38 -0500


Thanks very much.  That works fairly well.  I amended the regexp just a
little bit to include "sentence-end"s which are normal, just a period
etc. and a space.  

The question now is how to have this load when emacs loads.  I put it in 
.emacs, reloaded, and got an error:

Error in init file: Symbol's value as variable is void: sgml-mode-map

This is because it's not in the path.  So how do I get it in the path?

Thanks again for your assist,

Oliver Scholz at 15:06 (UTC+0100) on Tue, 18 Feb 2003 said:

= writes:
= [...]
= > Because I do considerable editing of html and similar types of files, I
= > wanted to add to the standard definition of "sentence-end". I.e., I
= > wanted emacs to consider an end of sentence such character sequences
= > which have ".", "?", or "!" when they are followed by either a "<" or
= > ">".
= [...]
= > (defcustom sentence-end (purecopy "[.?!][]\<>\"')}]*\\($\\| $\\|\t\\|  
= > \\)[ \t\n]*")
= What is the `purecopy' in your code good for? You didn't change this
= in the source code, did you? ;-)
= [...]
= > I want the cursor to land on top of the ">" or "<" character immediately
= > after string comprising the standard definition.  That is, given:
= >
= > end.</p>
= >
= > hitting M-e would place the cursor after the period.
= I would do it with a simple bit of Elisp.  You could put something
= like the following into your ~/.emacs:
= (defun my-html-forward-sentence ()
=   (interactive)
=   (save-match-data
=     (if (re-search-forward "\\([.?!]\\)<" nil t)
=       (goto-char (match-end 1))
=       (goto-char (point-max)))))
= (define-key sgml-mode-map (kbd "M-e") 'my-html-forward-sentence)
=     Oliver

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