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Special characters on Emacs/Mac?

From: Ulrich Hobelmann
Subject: Special characters on Emacs/Mac?
Date: Mon, 07 Mar 2005 00:17:48 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (Macintosh/20041206)

I just can't stop it...

I guess the default encoding of Emacs is ISO-Latin-1, at least that's what I want to use anyway.

How can I input accented characters / German Umlauts, etc.?

Actually I think the problem is not the input, but the font: how do I change my (set-face-font 'default "-apple-Bitstream Vera Sans Mono-regular-r-normal--13-140-75-75-m-120-mac-roman") to use ISO-Latin-1 encoding instead of mac-roman? The documentation didn't really help me there... (and my tries were worthless)

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