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Re: INFORMAL SURVEY: blinking cursor

From: Chong Yidong
Subject: Re: INFORMAL SURVEY: blinking cursor
Date: 08 Mar 2005 05:56:39 -0800
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

> * have you tried using emacs w/ the blinking box cursor?

Yes, for a while. It is not turned on now, though.
> * do you find it uncomfortable?
>   (if "no", you can skip the next question.)

> * do you think it is an imposition to put:
>     (blink-cursor-mode 0)
>   in ~/.emacs to turn it off?

Not personally, since I have so much crap in my .emacs anyway. But I
imagine a new user can get pretty put off by it.
> * do you use another shape cursor (such as vertical bar)?
>   if so, which?

I use the default (block cursor) cursor, most of the time. (I have a
customization to change it to a bar cursor when the mark is active,
but that's beside the point.)
> * how do the shape and the blinking affect your (dis)comfort?
>   (i'm looking for correlation info, such as:
>     shape: box, blinking: on, i-find-it: unbearable
>     shape: vertical bar, blinking: on, i-find-it: no-worries
>   in the response.)

I have only tried the block cursor, and I find it horrible. I have not
tried the blinking cursor with other cursor types.
> * is cursor blinking a feature you would be inclined to
>   change during an editing session?  if so, how often?

It is now set to off. Always.
> * how do the number of frames visible and the blinking affect
>   your (dis)comfort?  (again, looking for correlation info.)

I usually use only 1 frame (at most 2 frames), and very few windows.

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