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Re: integrating PDFLaTeX with emacs?

From: Olive
Subject: Re: integrating PDFLaTeX with emacs?
Date: Sat, 19 Mar 2005 23:28:42 +0100
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Olive wrote:
Elvis Chen wrote:

hi all,

sorry for what may be a trivial question, but please help if it is trivial
nonetheless :)

I'm trying to get PDFLaTeX to play nicely with emacs.  I'm using Linux
Suse 9.1 with Emacs-21.3.  I would like to edit my ~/.gnu-emacs-custom
such that I can rebind the keys:

Ctrl-c Ctrl-f to "pdflatex" my .tex file, and
Ctrl-c Ctrl-v to launch xpdf to view the resulting .pdf file

can someone give me a hint please?

From emacsWiki I have found what may work:
(setq tex-command "pdftex")
(defun tex-view ()
    (tex-send-command "xpdf" (tex-append tex-print-file ".pdf")))

but it doesn't.  my key-binding were still tied to latex/xdvi



(set-variable (quote latex-run-command) "pdflatex")
(set-variable (quote tex-dvi-view-command) "xpdf")

You can also do this interactively by M-x customize-variable latex-run-command and the same for tex-dvi-view-command

This works for the standard mode of emacs. auctex has that functionality built-in. Some people in this list find unbelievable to not use auctex. I strongly disagree with this. Some people, as me, prefer to use the standard TeX mode.


Oups... to view the pdf; you must also change the extension of the "dvi" file. Put this in your .emacs

(defun tex-print (&optional alt)
"Print the .dvi file made by \\[tex-region], \\[tex-buffer] or \\[tex-file]. Runs the shell command defined by `tex-dvi-print-command'. If prefix argument
is provided, use the alternative command, `tex-alt-dvi-print-command'."
  (interactive "P")
  (let ((print-file-name-dvi (tex-append tex-print-file ".pdf"))
    (if (and (not (equal (current-buffer) tex-last-buffer-texed))
             ;; Check that this buffer's printed file is up to date.
              (setq test-name (tex-append (buffer-file-name) ".pdf"))
        (setq print-file-name-dvi test-name))
    (if (not (file-exists-p print-file-name-dvi))
        (error "No appropriate `.dvi' file could be found")
      (if (tex-shell-running)
       (if alt tex-alt-dvi-print-command tex-dvi-print-command)
       print-file-name-dvi t))))

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