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Bug in font-lock? Was: QA for CPerl 5.2

From: Ilya Zakharevich
Subject: Bug in font-lock? Was: QA for CPerl 5.2
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 00:43:27 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: trn [how to get a version via %-escapes???] with a custom header

[A complimentary Cc of this posting was sent to
Randy W. Sims
<>], who wrote in article 
> One wierd problem I find is if I load two copies of a certain file it 
> becomes develishly slow to do anything, even scrolling. This doesn't 
> seem to happen on all files; not sure if it's size or content related yet.

I suspect it is a bug in font-lock.el: in the copy I have
`font-lock-fontify-anchored-keywords' uses the variable `limit' to set
text-property 'font-lock-multiline.  I would think it should have used
not this estimate from above, but the actual value of (point) after
doing the `while' loop for this purpose.

This bug may cause a major slow-down, although I do not know why it
shows only with two buffers in CPerl mode...

It is hard to work-around this bug; one needs a way to calculate the
limit in advance, which may be tricky.  I need to think more about


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