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Re: First character beeps screen sometimes

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: First character beeps screen sometimes
Date: Sun, 11 Mar 2012 21:56:04 +0100

Am 11.3.2012 um 18:53 schrieb Matt McClure:

> --no-site-file would eliminate that variable, correct?

And only this file. As you wrote your own init file, made non-existing with -q, 
is OK, so it could be the system's init file that causes beeping. But it can 
also be that somewhere in the site Lisp directory inappropriate files are lying 
around. Developing GNU Emacs 24 has more specific options:

--no-init-file, -q          load neither ~/.emacs nor default.el
--no-site-file              do not load site-start.el
--no-site-lisp, -nsl        do not add site-lisp directories to load-path
--quick, -Q                 equivalent to:
                              -q --no-site-file --no-site-lisp --no-splash

Anyway, you could use this snippet to record in *Messages* buffer the files 
that are loaded. This has to be executed at first, maybe directly from the 
command line:

        (defadvice load (before debug-log activate)
          (message "(Tipp von Kai G) Loade now: %s" (ad-get-arg 0)))



Give a man a fish, and you've fed him for a day. Teach him to fish, and you've 
depleted the lake.

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