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Printing questions concerning lpr-switches and printer-name

From: Marius Hofert
Subject: Printing questions concerning lpr-switches and printer-name
Date: Wed, 22 May 2013 21:21:18 +0200
User-agent: mu4e; emacs


I have the following settings for printing on 'P' from dired-mode:

(setq printer-name "myPrinter")
(setq lpr-switches '("-o sides=one-sided -o number-up=2"))

If I hit 'P' on a file foo.pdf in dired-mode, I get

Print foo.pdf with: lpr -o sides=one-sided -o number-up=2

According to the manual, the printer is then added via -P.

1) How can I adjust the printer if I want to print foo.pdf
on a different printer (I use about 3 different printers)?

I am wondering if it wouldn't be better to specify "-P myPrinter" as
part of lpr-switches so that I can at least adjust it manually when
receiving the message:

Print foo.pdf with: lpr -o sides=one-sided -o number-up=2 -P myPrinter

This is also not so convenient of course (and that's the reason why I'm
asking... is there a better approach?)

2) I would like to print files of certain types (like .c, .R) by 'a2ps'
instead of 'lpr'. How can this be dealt with (or is again the best
solution to adjust the print command manually [in this case completely
replace it]?).

My current work around is to use '!' with a predefined printing command
for such files (not very elegant, though).



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