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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Need an advice : how to design the support of seve

From: Gerald
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Need an advice : how to design the support of several DB connections ?
Date: Thu, 2 Dec 2004 11:19:50 -0500 (EST)

On Thu, 2 Dec 2004, Georges Arnould wrote:

> Hi,

Bonjour Georges,

>    I need my radius server to support several DB connection (probably
> having different setup and calling different SQL statment). Those
> connections will be choosen according to the radius request content.
> (My english is not fluent enough so that I am mind is clear. I call
> here a "connection" the content of the "sqlserver" file).
>    The reason of my need is the following : I use VoIP boxes that
> have only one IP entry for a radius server. On a logicial point of
> view, each box can implement different kind of services. The software
> implementing the "intelligence" of those services are different so
> that I cannot send all the radius request to the same DB server and
> execute the same SQL statment.

I believe the best way to set up what you are looking for is to have
different radius processes listening on different IPs on the same
machine or else just have different radius servers for different types
of authentication.

There are many improvements that can be made in the mysql ability of
gnu-radius but no one has settled on the best way to go from where we
are since there is more than one way to do every feature that has been
requested. (I'm pretty confident your request falls in this category as

Using the attrib database or hints file you could also send out unique
attributes back to each NAS/RAS as desired. I think there are ways to do
what you are looking to do without adding a line of code to gnu-radius.

Please tell me more about your VoIP boxes unique situation that you
think would merit different SQL databases and I or someone else on the
list might be able to assist you further with examples.


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