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Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Need an advice : how to design the support of seve

From: Morten Winther
Subject: Re: [Help-gnu-radius] Need an advice : how to design the support of several DB connections ?
Date: Thu, 02 Dec 2004 14:35:23 -0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.7b) Gecko/20040421

Georges Arnould wrote:

   So, people coding on gnu radius, would you have an idea to about how to
design implementation of such a feature, using a "natural way" according to
radius allready implemented code ?


I find the use of Exec-Program-Wait very flexible as it allows me to write my own script in perl, php etc.

This way you can do all the stuff you need. With PAP password you can also pass these to the script.

With different hints and huntgroups you can trigger proper scripts.

Likewise with accounting: Acct-Ext-Program.

Best regards

Morten Winther
System & Application Architect

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