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[Help-gnunet] private gnunet networking

From: Krasko Oleksandr
Subject: [Help-gnunet] private gnunet networking
Date: Wed, 12 Apr 2006 13:57:37 +0300

Hi all!
Today I've tried to create private local gnunet network(see First I've executeds
1)$ ./ on localhost  **->
2)gnunetd -d on localhost
3)gnunetd -d on remotehost
**->with the following content in msys/mingw:
(but there is a problem??????)
....without changes
#       nohup ./ &
...without changes
if test -z "$GNUNETD_HOME"
while true
 echo -n HTTP/1.0 200 OK > /tmp/gnunet-hostlist-$$
 echo -e "\r\n\r" >> /tmp/gnunet-hostlist-$$
 cat $GNUNETD_HOME/data/hosts/$NODE.{6,8,12,17,23,25} >> /tmp/gnunet-hostlist-$$
#nc -q 1 -l -p $PORT < /tmp/gnunet-hostlist-$$ > /dev/null
#?option "-q" is absent in my netcat utility and in last release at

#?I have netcat vesion of netcat is [v1.10 NT]
#?So I used the following modification of the command
  nc -nvv -w 1 -l -p $PORT < /tmp/gnunet-hostlist-$$ > /dev/null
#?after that there are no warnings like
#?      "D:\Program Files\GNU\GNUnet\bin>gnunetd -d
#?      апр 12 09:40:44 WARNING: Announcing ourselves pointless: no other
peers are know
#?      n to us so far.
#?      апр 12 09:42:31 WARNING: Parsing hello from `http://myip' failed."
... without changes
But when I'm starting gnunet on the other machine (for example, on
remote), the data/host directory is not updated (new URLs are not
inserted) and I get "WARNING: Announcing ourselves pointless: no other
peers are known to us so far." :(((.
Question!!!!!!! May I do like that? If so, how to fix update problem? Thanks.
I also  send your my gnunetd.conf (localhost and remotehost)

Attachment: gnunetd_confs.tgz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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