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[Help-gnunet] Re: [bug-GNUnet] private gnunet networking

From: Krasko Oleksandr
Subject: [Help-gnunet] Re: [bug-GNUnet] private gnunet networking
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 13:22:13 +0300

> Because the -q switch is important here, you have to have to obtain the
> hostkeys in another way:
way or ways ???
 >     * copy periodically using the "at" scheduler
 did not understand it as ?, you can describe actions at this variant. possibly
is it already somewhere described? where ? plz
>     * Webserver with CGI
what vebserver and interpritator do you utillize in this case ??

speech goes usually about vindovs viriant that is why, presently I do not have
possibility of experement  on other WASP  :(
warnning : bad English

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