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Re: How to use [NSURL loadResourceDataNotifyingClient:usingCache:] ?

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: Re: How to use [NSURL loadResourceDataNotifyingClient:usingCache:] ?
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 11:53:42 -0500

 Thanx a lot. It works.
 But I notice it doesn't work in the background.
 Is it supposed to be non-blocking ?
 I did something like this:

 [url loadResourceDataNotifyingClient: self Cache: YES];

 And it always print "...." after the url finishes loading all the data.


From: Richard Frith-Macdonald <>
To: "Yen-Ju Chen" <>
Subject: Re: How to use [NSURL loadResourceDataNotifyingClient:usingCache:] ?
Date: Tue, 25 Mar 2003 10:10:33 +0000

On Monday, March 24, 2003, at 09:54  pm, Yen-Ju Chen wrote:


 I try to use [NSURL loadResourceDataNotifyingClient:usingCahce:],
 but it doesn't work at all.
 I implement both -URLHandleResourceDidBeginLoading:
 and -URLResourceDidBeginLoading: in the client.
 But they are never called.
 Does it work in GNUstep ? Or am I doing something wrong ?

You are doing something wrong ...

1. The -URLHandleResourceDidBeginLoading: method is sent to the NSURL object, not to its client. So implementing this in the client will have no effect. If you want the method to be called you need to make your object a client of an NSURLHandle rather than an NSURL.

2. The -URLResourceDidBeginLoading: method is not part of the URLClient protocol, so NSURL clients should not and do not get sent a method notifying them when loading starts. This is presumably because the only way to make an object a client of an NSURL is by sending the NSURL instance a -loadReasourceDataNotifyingClient:usingCache: method. ie your code already knows that loading has just begun, so it can tell the client that itsself. I can't think of any other reason why Apple would have decided not to put a method like that in the protocol.

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